Published: 2024-02-08

Exploring the microbial community and biotechnological potential of the sponge Xestospongia sp. from an anchialine cave in the Yucatán Peninsula

Pablo Suárez-Moo, Ninette C García-Martínez, Norma A Márquez-Velázquez, Mario Figueroa, Eric Allen, Alejandra Prieto-Davó

Feeding habits of the Pacific Porgy Calamus brachysomus (Teleostei: Sparidae) in the central Gulf of California, Baja California Sur, Mexico

Anabel Veranes-Dip, Xchel G Moreno-Sánchez, Arturo Tripp-Valdez, Marina S Irigoyen-Arredondo, Leonardo A Abitia-Cárdenas

Fluorescence patterns and diversity of hydrozoans from Bocas del Toro, Panama

Lara M Beckmann, Bridget A Vincent, Alexandra De León, Jessica Masterman, Emily S Lau, Steven HD Haddock

Effect of a bacterial consortium on the growth, morphology, pigments, and toxicity of the dinoflagellate Gymnodinium catenatum

Dulce V Ramírez-Rodríguez, Christine J Band-Schmidt, Bárbara González-Acosta, Francisco E Hernández-Sandoval, Aldo Aquino-Cruz, Sonia I Quijano-Scheggia, José J Bustillos-Guzmán

Mean size at sexual maturity of female Cynoscion reticulatus along the Pacific coast off Mexico

Joel Fernando Sanchez-Valdez; Juan Antonio Maldonado-Coyac; María de los Ángeles Maldonado-Amparo, Jorge Saul Ramirez-Perez, Concepción Enciso-Enciso, Marcelino Ruiz-Domínguez